Sew many things...

so little time...

May 6 already.  Time just goes by faster and faster.  I always "plan" for my winters to be a catch up time, to do all those things I put off until things settle down.  

Well here I am with only a few of my wintertime tasks done.   The storeroom is still a mess, the walls of my laundry room are still not painted, the downstairs closets still have not been gone through and purged of all things not needed....  and the list could go on.

I did however...

Get lots of sewing done this past winter :). Many, many shop projects and samples. 

In December I spent 8 days at the cabin all by myself playing working on several shop kits.  Celebrated a family Christmas at the  cabin a couple weeks later.  

I experienced  a fun girls trip with Suzie, Carlie Ericka (DIL)  my sister and niece to Mexico in January.  And well, you know January the days are short with less sunshine hours, hard to be so productive....

February,  well even though it was leap year, we had some bad weather and the 2 days I was going to clean the store room and paint were the 30 & 31st of the month, well February is short those days so there was not much I could do about it.  My life seemed to be in pieces...

In March , Suzie, Joy,  Kendra and I traveled to Pigeon Forge Virginia  to attend Kaye England Shop Owners Retreat.  More quilts made, it was a very fun and productive time for all of us.  Suzie and Joy had some time off so I had more work to do at the shop, I could not possibly add more to my plate with at home tasks.  And then Easter, I had to make some fun pastel springtime quilts.

As for April, well, I just plain and simple do not know where that whole month went...

And here we are with just about to the end of week one of May.  Time for lawn and garden.  Plus there are still more projects that need my attention...

So it goes, my life, I wouldn't change a thing!



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