Canning season has nearly come to an end at my house. The produce is still producing but my supplies and time are dwindling. Most of my canning jars have come from generations before me and I treasure their gifts each fall as I fill them. My canners are vintage, my juicer is generations old and yet these tools continue to provide comfort and joy for my home and family. I lost a jar this year in the canning process and I feel as if I have lost an old friend. It was even older and more rare than the blue jars that fill my sewing room.
About 5 years ago I retired these jars from the canning season. Now they are filled with treasured buttons from my grandma and many others. Some are filled with vintage thread, some with modern thread, others with beads, ribbons, trims and many bits and bobs that are special to me. They organize and inspire and bring beauty to my studio.
Earlier this spring my husband and I were designing a cabinet that would hold supplies, fabric and projects in attempt to corral my creative thoughts.On a road trip I found and fell in love with this vintage Hoosier cabinet.. The colors are bright and cheery and the cabinet is just perfect.
Two other treasures found their way to my studio this summer. The first, the blue chair. It has traveled the ocean from Switzerland and was given to my grandma. It was as much a part of her house as it was of her. It was the sturdiest chair in her house and was used for so many things. The paint is worn on the seat from standing on it to wash the lights, take down the curtains, hang wallpaper, wash the curtains or to reach the top kitchen cabinet but my favorite memory is of my grandma sitting on this chair in her backyard cracking black walnuts. There is nothing quite like the smell of fresh black walnuts and boy I bet this chair could tell stories.
The second beloved item found it's way from Switzerland as well and it is this beautiful BERNINA. It was built during a period of global unrest filled with shortages, war, sacrifice and dedication. It came to me stiff and un-moving. I don't know it's original story but a new chapter is already being written. My eldest son and I worked side by side and worked oil into the stiff areas, removed vintage lint and tangled threads and patiently loosened the frozen parts. It now moves freely and as soon as it has a new needle it will once again create and inspire.
Other treasures include my mom's white and red enamel coffee pot she won playing Bingo at the age of 10. I have always loved this coffee pot. Treasured tins came from dear friends in Norway and are filled with lovely threads for wool work. Although the tins are not very old ,the design on them is very traditional and filled with history.
.The size of this ball of string is quite large and was lovingly collected by a family member during the depression years and beyond.
Many of these things are about the same age and I love them! They fill my space with positive energy, memories new and old.
All around me I have things I treasure from those I treasure. The gifted and discovered vintage items have been given new life and purpose and I continue to create new things with the hope that some day my quilts will be treasures to be treasured.
I don't think I've ever been ready for a trip or event earlier than the night before. I have IDEAS for months, but those ideas don't come to fruition until the looming deadline of "if they don't trick or treat now, they don't trick or treat until next year" or "if you don't leave now, the airplane will leave without you" forces my hand and my sewing machine.